14 October 2024

I will just jot down the happenings and will start to outline may of these in subsequent posts as time permits and Bz’H.

  • Starting in Oct 2022, my wife was going back and forth to Charleston, SC to care for my father-in-law, her dad. I also did few trips (flight in and out given the need to manage the farm). My father-in-law, Bernard Smith passed July 4 2023. A more detailed post may be coming…
  • Had to manage the farm solo through Spring 2024 as we had to deal with sorting out and all the aftermath of a loved one passing.
  • I started learning Hebrew. Using Duolingo, which is my cheat fix and reading scriptures as time permits and hitting some of the old text books
  • Struggled with some health challenges that we still dont know what is causing…it really wreaked havoc this summer when I was paralyzed (not literally) to work only when it was cooler and not sunny outside.
  • Starting learning Elixir
  • Making a concerted effort from early summer to start using Vim as my only interaction to all code/writing. NeoVim is what I have landed on.
  • Started reading Midrash Rabbah
  • Finished on our chicken coop and rabbit area
  • Moved chickens around to have our older girls with a roo over our septic for free ranging while new set of 50+ edd layers in the grow out area.
  • Both my younger sons graduated - one with a Chemical Engineering degree and other with Paralegal and Economics.
  • My oldest son got married on a glacier in Alaska!!
  • Had some loss of animals this late spring due to it being a short winter and having fluctuating weather - worms and pneumonia. This was especially hard as we were trying to optimize on our breeding program. We had to start all over again
  • Shearing went well.
  • Started wool processing
  • Started studying ספר החינוך with a Rav in Israel.
  • Started with some spinning kits to sell, which was sold in events and will be available on Just Right Supplies in Fall 2024.
  • Broke down and purchased a green monster (JD)
  • Tried to stay alive through all of this (I am making it sound more dramatic than it actually was). On second thoughts, it was not all that bad and could have been much worse….